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Dentist explains: Why do regular dental visits MATTER?

Bērnu zobārstniecība, zobārsts Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

Bērnu zobārstniecība, zobārsts Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

Advice from dentist dr. Jūlija Ustiča of the dentistry clinic “Zobu feja”.

Despite the fact that a person may not have specific complaints about dental health and teeth may look in a good condition visually, regular preventive dental visits are important for both adults and children as such visits help to maintain good dental and gum health. Timely detection of a problem at an early stage can help avoid a more sophisticated treatment, such as root canal treatments or even tooth extractions. It is recommended that adults visit a dentist at least twice a year but children three times a year if the dentist has not prescribed other visiting times.

During a dental check-up, the dentist will check soft tissues of the oral cavity: the mucosa of cheeks, tongue, oral cavity floor and gum. The dentist will also assess the buccal and upper labial frenum. The dentist will assess dental health by checking the presence of caries, the quality of fillings and prostheses. Dental X-rays will help to detect interdental caries, decay under old fillings or filling defects that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The X-ray can detect dental inflammation, assess the condition of tooth roots and their resorption level.

The dentist dr. Jūlija Ustiča of the dentistry clinic “Zobu feja” points out that in childrens X-ray one can see the proximity of the tooth’s permanent germ and estimate the approximate time of the tooth change. A panoramic X-ray may also be required, which provides total information on dental health, position and number, the condition of periodontium, bone level, jaw and temporomandibular joint health and helps to detect chronic and acute inflammatory processes in teeth, jaws and even nasal cavity. In a milk bite, the panoramic X-ray allows to assess dental compression, the number of germs, their position and distance to a milk-tooth. It helps to timely detect the possible hypodontia or the lack of germs of the permanent teeth thus choosing appropriate treatment tactics, as well as planning a visit to a surgeon and/or orthodontist.

During the check-up, the amount of plaque and tartar that has accumulated on the teeth surfaces and in periodontal pockets will also be assessed. Plaque is a soft and sticky mass of bacteria and their metabolic activity products. If the plaque does not get removed in a timely manner, it calcifies and turns into tartar that cannot be removed independently by brushing the teeth at home. In this case, professional dental hygiene is necessary to avoid the risk of developing gingivitis and periodontitis.

For many non-dental diseases, symptoms may occur in the oral cavity and can be detected with the help of a dentist, for example if there are signs of vitamin and iron deficiency, osteoporosis, diabetes, benign and malignant growths, etc.

Following the investigation, the dentist will provide advice on dental flossing, proper brushing technique and choice of hygiene products. The dentist will inform about the role of fluoride in maintaining dental health, as well as will provide recommendations for hallitosis, xerostomia and increased tooth sensitivity.

Bērnu zobārstniecība, zobārsts Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

Bērnu zobārstniecība, zobārsts Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

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