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Air quality at home, school and work – hazards and solutions

Svaigs gaiss, Show some love to Andrea Piacquadio

Svaigs gaiss, Show some love to Andrea Piacquadio

Almost everyone has experienced the lack of fresh air in a room, which is an issue during all seasons, e.g. in winter, when by saving heat, people forget about healthy air exchange. Air quality is also critically low when a large amount of people is in one room at the same time, breathing out all the oxygen, and leaving harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) – fatigue, drowsiness, heavy feeling, reduced work and concentration abilities appear. How to solve this problem? We invited Māja Elpo specialists who offer solution to this health-threatening situation on a daily basis.

3 risks that people face at home, school and work

There are three risks that anyone living, working and studying in spaces where proper air quality has not been taken into account will face:

1. Carbon dioxide (CO2). For example, if the carbon dioxide reading in the fresh air near the sea, in a pine forest, does not exceed 300-400 units, the limit where health problems arise is 1000 units. In kindergartens, schools, workplaces and homes during the heating season, building supervisors make sure that there is enough heat in the building, but do they also make sure that there is enough oxygen? The CO2 concentration in the air is measured by a meter, but it can also be sensed by feeling drowsiness, fatigue, inability to concentrate, even apathy or a sense of suffocation indicate that there is too much CO2 in the room. Prolonged exposure to such environments may result in serious health problems;

2. Mould resulting from increased indoor humidity. If allowed to develop, a person regularly suffers from nasal mucosal irritation and swelling, developing a dry or wet cough, skin rash, red eyes, tearing, and even asthma attacks. People who suffer from chronic diseases or those with weakened immune systems are more likely to suffer from infectious diseases. Prolonged exposure to mould may result in a person suffering liver, kidney damage, tumour development;

3. Harmful substances found in the air. Particular attention should be paid to premises located in areas with heavy traffic, industrial processes, high building density or other factors that increase physical, chemical and biological air pollution. These risks are particularly dangerous for babies, older people, and people with a lowered immune system. Although, to be precise, this type of air pollution is particularly harmful to any living being, as it causes respiratory tract, lung damage, risk of poisoning.

But there is good news in this long list of dangerous risks – Māja elpo experts can help you find the best solution for your situation to ensure the best possible air quality at home, in kindergarten, at school and in the workplace. You don’t have to make the choice between heating savings or health. You can have both.

The house breathes – the person breathes

To ensure that your home can "breathe", various types of equipment are used, such as:

· Heat recovery unit. There are two types – the decentralised heat recovery unit and the centralised heat recovery unit, both of which are innovative ventilation devices that ensure efficient air exchange in your house or apartment, maintaining the current indoor temperature, thus preventing moisture, mould and lack of air;

· Air conditioner. It is a device or system that maintains the desired temperature in a room by cooling or heating it. An air conditioner provides cold air in your home or enclosed spaces by separating heat and moisture from indoor air;

· Dehumidifiers – device that collects excess humidity, preventing condensation, i.e. regular humidity, which causes mould and unhealthy conditions for humans;

· Air purifiers. A device with a system that collects harmful substances, dust, bacteria, unpleasant odours, and purifies the air. The device may additionally be equipped with an additional humidifier, ioniser, antimicrobial lamp, or ozone generator;

· Various products to help you fight mould, algae, moss, lichen, unpleasant odours, grease, oil, fungi, paint, varnish, rust, calcium oxide residues, various other contaminants and dirty surfaces in your home. Facade cleaners are also available.

There are so many opportunities to improve air quality at home, kindergarten, school, and work! Use them to take care of your health and the health of your children – use the solutions provided by Māja elpo.

Svaigs gaiss, Show some love to Andrea Piacquadio

Svaigs gaiss, Show some love to Andrea Piacquadio

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